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– Jordan is a semi-arid country with an area of 89,342 km2 (34,495 sq mi) and a population numbering 10 million, making it the 11th-most populous Arab country.

– Official languages: Arabic, Currency: Jordanian dinar (‎JOD‎)‎, Calling code: +962, Demonym(s): Jordanian

– One of the best known groups from Jordan’s population is the Bedouin. As they are known in Arabic, the Bedu, or “desert dwellers”, endure the desert and have learned to survive its unforgiving climate. It is difficult to count Bedouins, but it is generally known that the majority of Jordan’s population is of Bedouin origin.

– Most of Jordan’s Bedouin live in the vast wasteland that extends east from the Desert Highway. All throughout the south and east of the country, their communities are marked by characteristic black goat-hair tents. These are known as beit al-sha’ar, or “house of hair”. Bedouins are often stereotyped as constantly wandering the desert in search of water and food for their flocks. This is only partly true.

– Only a small portion of Bedouin can still be regarded as true nomads, while many have settled down to cultivate crops rather than drive their animals across the desert. Most Bedouin have combined the two lifestyles to some degree. Those Bedouins who still practice pastoralism will camp in one spot for a few months at a time, grazing their herds of goats, sheep or camels until the fodder found in the area is exhausted. It is then time to move on. Often the only concession they make to the modern world is the acquisition of a pick-up truck (to move their animals long distances), plastic water containers and perhaps a kerosene stove.

– It can be said that many of the characteristics of the Jordanian and Arab society are found in their strongest form in Bedouin culture. For instance, Bedouins are most famous for their hospitality, and it is part of their creed—rooted in the harshness of desert life—that no traveler is turned away. The tribal structure of Arab society is also most visible among the Bedouins, where the clan is at the center of social life. Each Bedouin family has its own tent, a collection of which constitutes a clan. A number of these clans make up a tribe

Capital city: The capital city is Amman, which is the largest city in the area.

Language: The National language is Arabic.  

How to join Jordanian WhatsApp Groups
💧Click on the invite link of the group you wish to join.

💧After click on the group invite link, you will be redirected to WhatsApp installed on your phone or computer(or laptop).

💧The information about the group will be displayed(name of the group, group icon,  who created the group, number of members of the group etc…), and you can see where to click to join the group.

💧Click on the “join group” button to direct enter in to the group. Now you are there. 

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